First of all let me introduce myself
I'm DMKAMIKAZii ( xbox live ) , a sponsored player by Infinity Gaming and MadCatz , So I know what I'm talking about when talking about noob weapons.
So I'm gonna list here all the name of the noob weapons ( CONFIRMED BY THE MAKERS OF THE GAME ) They told me if they put those guns out of the game, a lot of people will stop playing and it isn't good for business...
1- M16 --> Definitly the most noob gun in the game, combined with whatever attachment you want it's noob, 3 bullets 1kill
2- Famas --> Same principe of the M16
3- Scar H --> Most noobish gun in the game , silencer , red dot , name it , it's definatly a noob gun
4- Tar 21 --> The only time when it's not a noob gun is when you combine it with cold blood to flank your ennemies
5- ACR --> Yes, sorry to break this to you , but ACR has NO recoil , None , and don't come crying with it does deal less damage bullshit because even with that less damage it kills faster than an M16
6- UMP45 --> Definitly YES, combined with whatever you want , rapid fire , silencer , ... it is a noob gun , when tested with IW we concluded that 1 bullet is enough to kill you when knowing where to shoot it, I won't even tell this or tomorrow everyone is running with one...
7- P90 --> Most accurate , fast and with most damage it is the worst noob guns of the smg class, this gun brings down everyone in close as long range combat
8- RPD --> Ok , want to hunt a sniper down with a 300 bullets mag, enjoy your new noob weapon, this gun shoots the crap out of people and has an equivalent range and damage of 80% which makes it the most noobish LMG in the game
9- Hey, let's get a 25killstreak with our eyes shut, Even when firing from the hip , the AUG HBar is a noob gun , you spray bullets all over the place but you hit the whole place at the same time...
10- Barret 50cal--> I see a lot of players using this gun, this is noob, it has a large mag, you can shoot from close range as fast as an MP5 and you can hit people through 80% of all walls
So I'll just finish my list here, thanks for reading and no friend requests online please
1vs1 --> Sponsored players only
Want to assist one of my games --> call madcatz and arrange your creditcard to watch the game
Want clan tryout =
1 No noob tubes ( grenade launcher )
2 Ratio above 2.40
3 Good team player and communicator
If you want to become a sponsored player like I am, I recommend training with the FAL , the Intervention and the throwing knife, the try to enter a tournament through a sponsored player, if you have the skills , then welcome in the real gaming world ;)